Wednesday, 18 August 2010
So I just read this rant on Insider2PM
okay , well not INSIDER2PM , but more of INSIDERJAY .
So anyways , I was searching for something 2PM
and then this article popped up --> The ugly 'truth' of 2PM revealed .
Okay , so as you know , I'll usually look at this kind of articles , since I NEVER KNEW WHY SO MANY PEOPLE HATED THEM .
(But it seems like everytime I try to do so , I just don't get why they hate 2PM )
Anyways , so I clicked in there , and the writer was/is a 2PM fan .
So , it was fine , actually (:
But she quoted from the then-Insider2PM ,
something about 2PM going to the Karaoke and singing about Jay leaving and them singing about how Jay , the Yankee wasnt there anymore and they no longer had to divide their earnings between 7 but 6 right now .
and so , because I'm , you know , , ME .
So I went to google it , as off , everything
So off I went , to type in insider2pm into the google search box
and there is was , first on the list
Wonderful much ?
So , *click* I went , and
jajjang , I see the word
So I'm just like , huh , did I come to the right place
So I was just lyk , whatever , so I went to the tab 'rants' because it looked extremely attractive as of that time ...
First rant ? Don't give JYPE any last chances .
The person who wrote this , wrote it in on the 26th of January . Before Jay officially left 2PM .
So , the article is mostly about boycotting JYP (himself) because of all the horrible things he did to our dear Jay .
and then there's the below part ,which goes
Don't support JYPE .
dont buy their products , dont buy their albums , dont buy their cups , dont buy ANY 2PM merchandise .
I mean ... first reaction ? WTF MAN WTF .
You say dont buy 2PM merchandise , you say boycott 2PM , or in another words 6PM as you haters call them .
In the name of boycotting JYPE for kicking Jay out .
But then on the other hand , you say , don't bash 2PM !
really ?
Think about it , think about how 2PM feels if NOBODY IS BUYING THEIR ALBUM .
and not just their ALBUM .
and you did'nt buy it ...hmmm??
and you're doing this , ultimately for who ? for 2PM huh? for Jay to go back to 2PM huh? For 2PM to once again have a leadja , is it ?
Is boycotting the way to get back Jay ?
Has any other protest been successful ?
The one with DBSK breaking up ?
The one about not buying anything SM ?
Did it work ? Did DBSK get back together?
In case you did'nt know , DBSK has been broken into 3 .
Changmin , YunHo , JaeChunSu .
Because what you people are doing is stupid and its not going to help , and it never will
Think about it . You're hurting them , because you 'LOVE' them .
How childish .
And then you say that people can buy the 1:59 album after 'this whole thing finishes'
But you know what ?
It never ended , and it never will because you started something that will never finish ,
because you created a problem that could not be solved and got a ton of people to do it with you at the same time .
You only think about Jay , and always think that you're doing this is for 2PM and Jay's sake
But please think about how 2PM feels at that moment when you're boycotting them .
Oh and you say that people did'nt boycott 2PM , and you think thats the reason why your little 'protest' did'nt work ?
Thats probably because these blind people that followed you into this darkness , found a miracle and opened their eyes to what they were going to do to the people they loved .
They saw the world , while you were still int he darkness , thinking that everywhere you roamed to was where you wanted to , when you actually had no idea what you were groping all this while .
The problem with you is that you are too ignorant , to listen to the thoughts of other people , and to think about the possibilities out there .
and , there is a whole lot of you blind people out there who just don't know what you're doing
because you have been brainwashed by other blind people .
And even if everyone had remained being blind from the crisis , it still would'nt have worked , because you do not think about other people's feelings , especiallly the ones you 'loved'
and so many people are believing this 2PMsucks SHIT , because after being in this 'boycott' state for so long , you get used to the idea , just like how when you want to fake a stomach ache and you succeed in doing it , it really happens to you . The same thing happens here .
And because right in the middle of all your hopeless groping in the dark , suddenly someone hits you in the head and tells you that all that you've been frantically trying to find has disappeared .
and then you get hurt .
and then , you blame it on the ones you used to love .
This is your life , haters .
You are blind people , groping around hopelessly in the dark , still not willing to give in to the crisis .
Please wake up , and stop thinking that you're right , because you're wrong . and like this , you will never , ever , ever stop hating and bashing .
& Aetheline signed off @ 04:08