about me

1st January .
( No I'm not the kinda person who would go 'presents on this day ! ')
Brentwood Grad class of '14
If I ever lose meaning in my life,
there will only be one thing that I will keep forever .
Never hate .
Cos hating ai'nt gonna bring you anywhere.
I don't believe in your future being paved for you .
I believe that every single detail in the path you walk in your lives ,
even down to the last speck of dust , will be painted by the paintbrush you are holding in your hand right now .
Never wait for things to happen .
Make it happen.
This blog is half-dead.
believe me , its prettier there :)

year 2010

dear santa

People who have no reason in life . Absolutely pisses me off . Nuff' said.


the perfect getaway
Tell me if you wanna be linked !
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running in reverse

designer   DancingSheep
brushes   + +

Friday, 15 October 2010

nice font muchhh
I feel liKE typing really fast right now ,
so IF I have alot of spelling mistakes
I don't care :)
haha right now , I'm just really scared that I missed my first art block LOL
But its okay , I'm going later .....
Aced a French test today ,
totally pwned Mr. Hernandez hahahaha
We won our first volleyball game yesterday !!
funnness !
Against Shawnigan
Okay so if you don't know about this
Brentwood and Shawnigan are arch rrivals FOREVER .
absolutely forever
because both of us are boarding schools
and we absolutely have to beat them ,
because , yeah
Honestly ,
I thought we would lose , judging by the first game
,but the last game was awesome because of CLAYA !!
My team is awesomeness
Haha I am being amused , staring at my drawing of Blaine during class
the math test was easy ,
except the ast page I might have a small mistake LOL
but whatever :)
totally aced it :)
I've been acing tests this week !
English , french , now math :)


& Aetheline signed off @ 14:26

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Oh well, hello there again (:

I feel like in a blogging mode again :D
Should I tell the whole world again . that my blog is once again alive ??
Oh I shall make it pretty and colourful :)

U smile , I smile (:

Got stuck in theatre productions today (:
It was nice ,except
1. I missed Best in Boathouse in Rowing , AGAIN.
2. I did'nt do much except for go up on stage with Oliver and Tyler to act as dancers
ONLY because Mr. Armitage made me go up , NOT because Oliver 'suggested' me to go
3. I was'nt exactly the most comfortable person there.

But whatever , I loved it , it was nice just watching the performances, except I was a stagehand , so I could'nt do as much as I hoped to do ......
Anyways , its kinda nice to just chill below ;DDDD
I guess everyone has to start at least somewhere, hey ?

I have a game tmr , against Shawnigan .
Oh shiz
Apparently we're gonna beat the shit out of them , (thats what Claya said ... )
But I guess that what she says before every game , and so far, we ... Haven't won .
Soo.. I mean like , its Shawnigan , WE BETTER WIN .

Had subway today (:
First time I had it in Canada :)
Its right beside Thrifties , so we went inside to grab some stuff for Claudia ......

Oh , fine , my blog is alive again , okay ?
I have an English test tmr .
Conotation ,

Genius , or what :)

Peace .

& Aetheline signed off @ 21:03

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Sometimes (fuck this font is so ugly )
okay whatever .
Sometimes , I wish people would stop thinking my life is so fucking easy .
Because to be honest , its NOT .
So just STFU
You think its so nice to be here , away from home
and I have to wait another 2 months to go home
People get to go home during mid-term
and thats in 16 days
They get to countdown , I DON'T
You don't know that everyday , I'm worrying
worrying worrying
Worrying that I don't have enough for this and that ,
Worrying that I don't have a place to go for a break
Worrying that I don't have enough things to bring for a camping trip

You think its nice to see people getting packages from their parents, their grandparents ?
The time I got called to reception ?
My signature on a form was too small , the lady did'nt know whether I really signed it or not , so I had to go back to sign it bigger again
You think its so nice to sit in my room , while I see people getting visited by their parents ,
or you think its nice , to maybe
I don't know , be the only one with a bare empty room , simply because I could'nt carry all the stuff that I needed overseas on my wall ?
You think its so very nice to not have a single person in the same country as you ?
The nearest person I have to me is my sister
she's eight hours away from me ,
and thats by plane ride
Yes. The states
You think its easy to stick out like a sore thumb
because you're a nerdy stupid asian ?
All you think of is
"Oh she gets to see 'hot' ang-moh guys'
'Oh the campus looks like a resort'
'Your school days are so short !'
'Your class is so fun !'
'Your friends are so cute ! '

I'm so tired of this already .
You have no idea how I try to make it look awesome and beautiful , because I don't want anyone to worry about m e
You have no idea , of the bad things that happen to me , because i only tell you about the good things.
The only reason I keep staying here , facing my fears at night , adapting to this new place , this new weather , having the fear of losing myself in this place, and not running back home, is because I believe what my parents are doing for me is good for me
As it is , I have already agreed with them the first minute I stepped into the school
Being here for a month , I've already done so many things I would never have done if I were to stay at home .
I've went camping .
I've had the time of my life
I've had real bonfires
I've known the whole grade personally
I've walked from class to class everyday
I've met different people
I've been the odd one out
I've been more respected in my class , and not being the black sheep that pulls down the class average like before.
I've tried volleyball
i've did theatre productions
I've done rowing
I've ran through the rain on a rainy night
I've made all the choiced myself
I've solved all my problems myself
I've been away from home for a month
I've been out of my bed for a month
I've been deprived of home food for a month
I've been out canoeing , to an island .
I've been able to let nature forget my problems
I've met more people I could talk to
I've talked to strangers on the street , of which I have never seen before

All these , I would never have done if I were to stay at home .

So whatever it is , I'm staying , I'm finding myself .
I'm becoming more independent .
I might be a loser runnning away from the problems at home , but at least I'm learning something .
Something that opens my eyes to the world out there .
At least I see it now , rather than being protected forever , and then becoming shocked when you actually realise it.
Its not easy , I have to try hard , as always .
It never is .
If you think I'm having a good time ?
When I'm complaining , you bitch on me because you think I can't appreciate it ?
Well , everything that happens here , I worked for it .
I've learnt that things are not made in heaven
Your path , every single part of it , down to the last speck of dirt ,
will be made of the paint that comes out of the paintbrush you are holding in your hand .

& Aetheline signed off @ 20:24

Wednesday, 18 August 2010

So I just read this rant on Insider2PM
okay , well not INSIDER2PM , but more of INSIDERJAY .
So anyways , I was searching for something 2PM
and then this article popped up --> The ugly 'truth' of 2PM revealed .
Okay , so as you know , I'll usually look at this kind of articles , since I NEVER KNEW WHY SO MANY PEOPLE HATED THEM .
(But it seems like everytime I try to do so , I just don't get why they hate 2PM )

Anyways , so I clicked in there , and the writer was/is a 2PM fan .
So , it was fine , actually (:
But she quoted from the then-Insider2PM ,
something about 2PM going to the Karaoke and singing about Jay leaving and them singing about how Jay , the Yankee wasnt there anymore and they no longer had to divide their earnings between 7 but 6 right now .

and so , because I'm , you know , , ME .
So I went to google it , as off , everything

So off I went , to type in insider2pm into the google search box
and there is was , first on the list

Wonderful much ?

So , *click* I went , and
jajjang , I see the word
So I'm just like , huh , did I come to the right place

So I was just lyk , whatever , so I went to the tab 'rants' because it looked extremely attractive as of that time ...

First rant ? Don't give JYPE any last chances .
The person who wrote this , wrote it in on the 26th of January . Before Jay officially left 2PM .
So , the article is mostly about boycotting JYP (himself) because of all the horrible things he did to our dear Jay .
and then there's the below part ,which goes
Don't support JYPE .
dont buy their products , dont buy their albums , dont buy their cups , dont buy ANY 2PM merchandise .

I mean ... first reaction ? WTF MAN WTF .
You say dont buy 2PM merchandise , you say boycott 2PM , or in another words 6PM as you haters call them .
In the name of boycotting JYPE for kicking Jay out .
But then on the other hand , you say , don't bash 2PM !

really ?
Think about it , think about how 2PM feels if NOBODY IS BUYING THEIR ALBUM .
and not just their ALBUM .

and you did'nt buy it ...hmmm??
and you're doing this , ultimately for who ? for 2PM huh? for Jay to go back to 2PM huh? For 2PM to once again have a leadja , is it ?

Is boycotting the way to get back Jay ?
Has any other protest been successful ?
The one with DBSK breaking up ?
The one about not buying anything SM ?

Did it work ? Did DBSK get back together?
In case you did'nt know , DBSK has been broken into 3 .
Changmin , YunHo , JaeChunSu .

Because what you people are doing is stupid and its not going to help , and it never will

Think about it . You're hurting them , because you 'LOVE' them .
How childish .

And then you say that people can buy the 1:59 album after 'this whole thing finishes'
But you know what ?
It never ended , and it never will because you started something that will never finish ,
because you created a problem that could not be solved and got a ton of people to do it with you at the same time .

You only think about Jay , and always think that you're doing this is for 2PM and Jay's sake
But please think about how 2PM feels at that moment when you're boycotting them .

Oh and you say that people did'nt boycott 2PM , and you think thats the reason why your little 'protest' did'nt work ?
Thats probably because these blind people that followed you into this darkness , found a miracle and opened their eyes to what they were going to do to the people they loved .
They saw the world , while you were still int he darkness , thinking that everywhere you roamed to was where you wanted to , when you actually had no idea what you were groping all this while .
The problem with you is that you are too ignorant , to listen to the thoughts of other people , and to think about the possibilities out there .
and , there is a whole lot of you blind people out there who just don't know what you're doing
because you have been brainwashed by other blind people .

And even if everyone had remained being blind from the crisis , it still would'nt have worked , because you do not think about other people's feelings , especiallly the ones you 'loved'

and so many people are believing this 2PMsucks SHIT , because after being in this 'boycott' state for so long , you get used to the idea , just like how when you want to fake a stomach ache and you succeed in doing it , it really happens to you . The same thing happens here .

And because right in the middle of all your hopeless groping in the dark , suddenly someone hits you in the head and tells you that all that you've been frantically trying to find has disappeared .

and then you get hurt .
and then , you blame it on the ones you used to love .

This is your life , haters .
You are blind people , groping around hopelessly in the dark , still not willing to give in to the crisis .

Please wake up , and stop thinking that you're right , because you're wrong . and like this , you will never , ever , ever stop hating and bashing .

& Aetheline signed off @ 04:08

Friday, 13 August 2010

hahahah :D
should I start my
reasons to love you list ?
haha ;D not yet luhh

Sooo... Today was funfair
eh thats not my reason of blogging LOL
*in brackets is because I'm watching Baker king :D*

Funfair was okayy
(stupid little boy so freaking spoiled ... eiyer I want to see him when he grows upp...)
I'm banging my head on my keyboard
okay why am i saying this here

& Aetheline signed off @ 07:48

Thursday, 15 July 2010

_________- its a scenario , not a word or a person's name its more of a verb.
I only use alphabets to represent people
and dont worry about thinking who is who because I wont use the first letter of the person

(OMG WHAT THE HECK AM I DOING . NOBODY READS THIS BLOG , everyone just goes to 'plantt' as they all say and click on my blog . )

okay so recently I've become super emotional
for some reason
I dont know, you know?
whether its because I'm leaving or because I 've realised so many people _______
It's scary because somehow I 'm becoming despo to ______
So well i guess its because so many people around me have it
I MEAN everybody!
it always sounds to special , and it just keeps coming up
like batchmates even dearest rachel _______

I keep trying to tell myself FUCK it's never going to happen
because there are always other people like A , B , C, OR D

I dont know , I'm just jealous
and it complicated because A is my close friend ( am I ? or is she just faking it )
I hate it I must stop thinking about it .
stop . stop . stop .

he hates you .
shush now .
shush .

& Aetheline signed off @ 07:15

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

I'm thinking of switching to tumlr cos its SUPER NICE AND EASY TO USE :D :D :D
so happpppy

But it just STARTED being nice only luhhhhhhhh :D
So , tumblr or not?

I wish people actually read my blog
and you know , nobody sees or asks or anything like that
so maybe if i even have t tumblr nothing will happen hahahahaha

GLOBAL MOD 4missa (:

wahshit the stupid women in oh my lady is FRKIN BITCHY TO THE NICE OLD GUY!!!!!!
Eiyer she got no dignity lorrr
(: (:
2AM IS IN .........
3 DAYS !!!!!!!
then I'll take a hell lot of pictures and post on facebook :D :D

I was in a did-you-ever-have-a-relationship day yesteday
cos I was feeling super down cos of PHYS.BT and you know ,
Suddenly it seemed like everyone has some guy in their life :0

kaykaykaykay I m going to make a pact with myself when i go :)

& Aetheline signed off @ 06:20